West Virginia Pole Dancing Directory

Home > Studio Directory > West Virginia Pole Dancing Studios

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There are currently 2 studios listed in this section of the directory. Last update: June 11, 2023.

The most current list of West Virginia pole dancing studios is below, shown in alphabetical order by city or town for your convenience. You'll also find contact information for each studio so you can get in touch directly if you have any questions.

If you own a studio that isn’t yet listed here, please feel free to add it using this simple form. You can use the same form if you need to update or change an existing listing.


It's a good idea to call ahead if you plan to visit one of these studios. Hours of operation and class schedules have been omitted from the directory purposefully, because these can and do change frequently.

Save yourself a trip and call ahead.


Vertical Vixens Pole Fitness
741 E Main St


Dance Rebellion and Fitness
347 Dunkard Ave

No studios near you?

If there aren't any West Virginia pole dancing studios listed in your area, please try out the search feature below to expand your search beyond this directory. It's a breeze to use!

Just type in the words "pole dancing" (without the quotes) and the city or area you want to look in . Then click the search button to bring back results from all over the internet. If there's a studio or a teacher in your city that doesn't yet have a listing in this directory, it should show up for you right here.

Still no luck?

If you're still having trouble finding a West Virginia pole dancing studio in your area, you might be interested in other ways you can learn to pole dance, besides taking classes at a studio.

If you're really keen to learn, you can certainly do what many others have done and get your own dance pole to use at home.

Then with the help of a couple of inexpensive learning resources, you'll be well on your way in no time! Here are a few suggestions for the most popular ways to learn pole dancing in your home...

Online Courses

Find out if an online pole dancing course would suit you, & read reviews of different programs to help you decide if this method is the right one for you.

Pole DVDs

There are some awesome pole dancing DVDs available, by some equally awesome teachers and performers. Which one will you choose?

Books & Manuals

These pole dance training books and manuals are good learning aids, and they're affordable too. Expand your home study library today!

You can help keep the directory current

If your studio isn't listed here, or if you see something that needs updating, please let Your Pole Pal know. Just fill out this quick form so your changes or additions can be made at the next update.

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