Tennessee Pole Dancing Directory

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There are currently 12 studios listed in this section of the directory. Last update: June 6, 2023.

Looking for a new fitness adventure? This listing of Tennessee pole dancing studios is just the ticket!

It's easy to use the directory...all of the studios on this page are displayed alphabetically, first by city or town, and then by studio name.

You'll also see a way to contact the studio directly—either a website or Facebook URL, and/or a phone number.

If you own a studio that isn't listed here, or if your listing needs to be updated, please use this simple form to submit the details.


It's a good idea to call ahead if you plan to visit one of these studios. Hours of operation and class schedules have been omitted from the directory purposefully, because these can and do change frequently.

Save yourself a trip and call ahead.


Party Girls Dance & Fitness Studio
1101 Hixson Pike # A


Katwalk Fitness
149 Kender Rhea Ct


Sassy Alternative Fitness
2520 Hospitality Dr


Sheer Inspiration Pole Fitness
121 W Jackson Ave


Bendy Beast Fitness
1202 Minna Place

BodyWorkz Pole Fitness
5963 Summer Ave #106

Not Your Average Workout
4143 Willow Lake Blvd


14 Karat Studio Fitness
215 W Main St Suite 201


Studio Synergy
675 Middle Tennessee Blvd D


Miss Fit Academy
265 Hermitage Ave

Studio Goddess
919 8th Ave S #1

The Chrome Bar Boutique Fitness Studio
2809 Dickerson Pike

No listings near you?

If you don't see any listings in your part of Tennessee, there's still one more option. Why not try the off-site search feature below?

Just enter the words "pole dancing" (no quotes) and the city or area you want to look in. Because the search function is powered by Google, it will return results from across the internet, even if a particular studio is new and hasn't yet submitted a listing to this directory.

Still nothing?

Not to worry, here are some other suggestions on how you can learn to pole dance,  even with no studio or instructor near by.

Many people, either by choice or necessity, decide to get their own equipment and learn at home with a little help. But where to get that help with no teachers nearby?

Did you know you can hire a virtual instructor in the form of DVDs, books and even online lesson? And for much less than the cost of group classes at a local studio!

Check out these popular options...

Online Learning

Are online pole dance classes right for you? Check out different programs, including costs, features and more.

Books & Manuals

These pole dance training books and manuals are good learning aids, and they're affordable too. Expand your home study library today!

Pole DVDs

There are some awesome pole dancing DVDs available, by some equally awesome teachers and performers. Which one will you choose?

Dance Pole Reviews

Looking to buy a pole, but not sure which one is right for you? These detailed reviews can help you decide.

You can help keep the directory current

If your studio isn't listed here, or if you see something that needs updating, please let Your Pole Pal know. Just fill out this quick form so your changes or additions can be made at the next update.

 More Pole Fitness Info...

Pole Fitness DVDs

pole dance fitness dvds

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Pole dance FAQ

Got pole questions? Who doesn't?! Here you can get answers to frequently asked questions submitted by our visitors.

Get Stretchy

Flexibility is an important part of pole dancing. Learn effective stretches to help lengthen your muscles and aid in recovery.