Vermont Pole Dancing Directory

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The Vermont section of the pole dancing directory currently has 1 listing. Last update: June 11, 2023

So far, Your Pole Pal knows of only one studio in the state of Vermont. Hopefully more will open soon!

If you own a studio that isn't listed in the directory, or if you know of a studio that doesn't have a listing here, please use this simple form to submit the details. Your addition or changes will be made with the next regular update, which is normally done monthly.


It's a good idea to call ahead if you plan to visit one of these studios. Hours of operation and class schedules have been omitted from the directory purposefully, because these can and do change frequently.

Save yourself a trip and call ahead.


294 N Winooski Ave suite 125

Nothing in your area?

Vermont is a small state so there aren't as many options for pole dancing classes as there are in other areas. But just in case a new Vermont pole dancing studio has opened since the last directory update, you may want to use the off-site search below.

Simply enter "pole dancing" (no quotes needed) and your city, then click to search. Your search results should show any new studios that don't yet have a listing here, assuming they have a website of course.

Still nothing showing up?

Vermont is bound to catch on sooner or later. But in the meantime, let's get you some help so you can get started pole dancing.

You might want to take a look at this page that explains the different ways you can learn to pole dance. It's especially helpful for those without a studio or a teacher nearby.

Dance poles that can be installed in your home are really popular these days, and this is pretty much a necessity if you have to learn on your own. After all, if there's no studio nearby, you'll need to provide your own equipment.

If you'd like to do some research on the best dance pole for your needs, here's a page with several detailed reviews that discuss the top dance poles. You'll learn about the features and benefits, pros and cons, and even details like shipping times, customer service ratings, warranties, etc.

If you do decide to learn at home, you're probably going to want a few resources to help you master this new skill. Here are a few recommendations to consider...

Pole DVDs

There are some awesome pole dancing DVDs available, by some equally awesome teachers and performers. Which one will you choose?

Online Courses

Find out if an online pole dancing course would suit you, & read reviews of different programs to help you decide if this method is the right one for you.

Books & Manuals

These pole dance training books and manuals are good learning aids, and they're affordable too. Expand your home study library today!

You can help keep the directory current

If your studio isn't listed here, or if you see something that needs updating, please let Your Pole Pal know. Just fill out this quick form so your changes or additions can be made at the next update.

More great info to check out...

Plus Size Pole

Are you a plus size pole dancer looking for support, tips, resources, or inspirational role models? Here's a section just for you!

Avoiding Injury

This short article explains 3 ways to help reduce your chances of injury while pole dancing.

Pole Exercises

Build pole strength while you tighten your tush and tummy with these effective exercises that use your pole as a workout partner.